You anticipate the vast shadow of my hand while your thick clouds of cigarette smoke is creating a head of a wolf with its enormous fangs. Endurance is something I'm no longer aware of. I bounce and vanish into morning dew. The sky resembles red meat with twisted shapes of nothingness. Oh, madam, you surely must be dreaming, I tell you.
Am I talking to myself? If you knew what you were doing, you'd never done it. At late nights I meet various species of all sorts. We all get together due to our magic senses who allows us to stroke by universe like velvet crystals. Like a soul in pain I can hear the breeze sigh trough the trees. Walking dreams. I show you deaths deadly sign. My eyes look into future where dark thoughts may not stay. Lay me down in the grass. We all die soon.
You suffered. I took a swim in laugter. Oh, well, it was worth it.
You suffered. I took a swim in laugter. Oh, well, it was worth it.
du skriver sjukt bra måste jag säga
Tack så jätte mycket.
tack så mycket snälla du. jag känner igen dig från någonstans, men vet inte riktigt vart!
jag lägger till dig på min länklista :)
vart bor du?
Tack Vincent!
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